15 Quick Bits About the Timex Sinclair 1000

As we continue the "15 Quick Bits About..." series, we take a look at a vintage computer that I saw advertised a LOT (for $99 USD!) in various electronics magazines when I was a kid. However, it wasn't until many years later that my dad gave me one that he had picked up for $5 at a thrift store - still in the original box. What piece of computing history might I be talking about? I'm talking about the Timex Sinclair 1000. In this post, we'll take a look at 15 facts about the Time Sinclair 1000. Let's take a…
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15 Quick Bits About the Commodore SX-64

It's time for the next installment of "15 Quick Bits About..." In this set of Quick Bits, we'll take a look at 15 facts about the Commodore SX-64. While I've owned several Commodore 64's (and VIC-20's) over the years, I've never owned an SX-64. If I ever come across one for a reasonable price, I'll no doubt pick one up. However, not having what is essentially a portable Commodore 64 doesn't mean that I can't learn more about it (and share it here) in the meantime. So, let's take a look... Quick Bits on the Commodore SX-64 The Commodore SX-64…
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15 Quick Bits About the Palm IIIe

Continuing the series of “15 Quick Bits About…”, let’s take a look at some facts (Quick Bits) about a personal digital assistant, or, PDA, I would see being proudly used a couple of decades ago — the Palm IIIe. I did not own one of these devices myself at the time having just recently picked one up from a thrift store a few years back. Quick Bits on the Palm IIIe The Palm IIIe was released in 1999 by Palm Computing, shortly after the more expensive and more advanced Palm IIIx. [1] [3] Shipping with Palm OS 3.1, the Palm IIIe…
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15 Quick Bits About the TI-99/4 & TI-99/4A

Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Continuing the series of "15 Quick Bits About...", let's take a look at some facts (Quick Bits) about a computer I would see in Wal-Mart as a child, but only recently acquired --- the Texas Instruments TI-99/4 & TI-99/4A. Quick Bits on the Texas Instruments TI-99/4 & TI-99/4A Texas Instruments introduced the TI-99/4 Home Computer at the June 1979 CES show in Chicago. [7] After some delays, due to parts shortages, the TI-99/4 was released by Texas Instruments in November 1979 for $1,150 (USD). [8] The TI-99/4A was released by Texas Instruments in 1981, a few months…
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15 Quick Bits About the Commodore VIC-20

Commodore VIC-20 Continuing the series of "15 Quick Bits About...", let's take a look at some facts (Quick Bits) about the first computer I owned, and possibly my favorite (because of all the things I created with this computer) --- the Commodore VIC-20. Quick Bits on the Commodore VIC-20 The VIC-20 went on sale in January 1981 for $299 (USD) and was manufactured until January 1985. [1] [2] [3] The very first programming class I took (as a child) was on a Commodore VIC-20. I discovered early on that I enjoyed writing software, which turned into a lifelong hobby and career. In 1982,…
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15 Quick Bits About the Commodore 64

Commodore 64 If you're into vintage computing then chances are you're at least familiar with the venerable 8-bit computing sensation released by Commodore - the Commodore 64. The Commodore 64, or C64, was a huge success by several measures. With that in mind, I am starting a series of posts on some quick facts (Quick Bits) on some of my favorite vintage computing devices. I am kicking off this series with the Commodore 64. Quick Bits on the Commodore 64 The C64 was originally released in August 1982 with a sales price of $595 (USD). Being that Commodore produced many…
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