15 Quick Bits About the TI-99/4 & TI-99/4A
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Continuing the series of "15 Quick Bits About...", let's take a look at some facts (Quick Bits) about a computer I would see in Wal-Mart as a child, but only recently acquired --- the Texas Instruments TI-99/4 & TI-99/4A. Quick Bits on the Texas Instruments TI-99/4 & TI-99/4A Texas Instruments introduced the TI-99/4 Home Computer at the June 1979 CES show in Chicago. [7] After some delays, due to parts shortages, the TI-99/4 was released by Texas Instruments in November 1979 for $1,150 (USD). [8] The TI-99/4A was released by Texas Instruments in 1981, a few months…